Micro-Electric Acupuncture Massage (MAM)

MAM stands for Micro-electronic Acupuncture Massage. It is a natural treatment that combines the use of traditional Chinese medicine and energy meridians within the body. This revolutionary machine combines Ancient Chinese Medicinal Principle, Modern Western Reflexology and Bio-Electricity Technology.


The benefits of this treatment include body detoxification, lymphatic drainage, blood circulation improvement and muscular pain reduction. I would also recommend having this treatment if you have very tight and tense muscles, as this treatment can help soften the muscle tissue.


MAM uses the practice of acupuncture with the inclusion of small electric currents used to stimulate muscles and nerves and open meridians lines found within the body. It is completely safe to use, and the amount of energy can be adjusted to suit the client’s needs. What makes this treatment different than using traditional acupuncture is that there is NO needles involved and it can span over a wider area of the body.


So what does Micro-Electric Acupuncture have to do with meridian lines?


Meridians are energy lines that map the entire body running all the way from the base of the feet to the crown of the head. There are twelve major meridians that run on each side of the body, one side mirroring the other. These meridian lines are not scientifically proven but have been used for hundreds of years in Chinese practices, much like how reflexology is used on the feet.


Acupuncture is used to open the Meridian lines, which purifies and re balances the body. The different points along the meridian lines will help to stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissue which in turn helps alleviate specific issues in the body.


Extra Information


  • For the best results it is recommended you do not eat for at least 1 hour before the treatment and attend well hydrated.
  • Reduce or eliminate the consumption of alcohol for at least 2 days before as this will make you more sensitive to the treatment. If you are on your menstrual cycle, this will also make you more sensitive to the treatment.
  • The machine has 99 levels and is adjusted to suit each client. It is important to communicate with me if any discomfort is involved as the higher the setting, the more intense the treatment is, but the more effective it is.
  • This treatment is not recommended if you are pregnant, have epilepsy as it may induce seizures, if you have any heart conditions and if you have a pacemaker or another type of electrical or metal implant.
  • As soon as the treatment is finished, drink plenty of water and relax. It is normal to feel a little lightheaded in the same way as after a long massage. Do not do any heavy lifting or workouts for at least 24 hours.
